Year 3
Our Year Group pages will be moving to this site soon. In the meantime, please follow the link below:
Welcome to Year 3's page. Here you will find information about what we will be learning and when. We will also share important messages, homework tasks and give you a taste of what we have been up to.
Message Board
3A will be doing daily swimming lessons from 24th February - 7th March.
3B will be doing daily swimming lessons from 10th March - 21st March.
Please ensure that your child has swimwear (no bikinis), goggles and a swim hat.
Science Museum
Year 3 will be visiting the Science Museum on Tuesday 25th March to explore our topic about forces.
In Year 3, the children are not given homework books and are not set worksheets to complete. Instead, we would like every child to spend time reading at home. Alongside reading, spellings will be set once week, which your child will be tested on.
If you would like to do more at home with your child, the following would be beneficial to their learning:
Times Tables - Spend 10 minutes a day practising the times tables up to x12.
Time - Spend time teaching your child to tell the time on an analogue clock, 12-hour digital clock and the 24-hour digital clock.
Money - Ensure your child can identify the different coins and notes and understands their value. Can add up money and work out what change is required. This can be done informaly in small doses while at the shops.
Weight and Measurement - To be able to understand grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres. This can be done in the kitchen baking cakes or making dinners with your child.
Reading Books - All children have been given a book to take home and read. Please ensure the book is returned to school when it is finished to enable your child to take another book home.
Also, please ensure your child is able to tie their own shoelaces, knows their home address and can spell their own last name, along with the parents, in case of an emergency.
If this is done consistently throughout the year, your child will make fantastic progress.
Class Timetables
Our class timetables can be found here.
Curriculum Overview
The children will be learning about Roman Britain.
Roman Britain Knowledge Organiser
The children will be learning about forces, specifically, friction and magnets.
The children will be painting landscapes using watercolours
The children will be learning why the Bible is important to Christians today
Latest News
Since being back from the holidays, year 3 have enjoyed a visit from the Rainbow Theatre Group to kickstart our topic on Roman Britain.