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Safeguarding, Well-being and Mental Health

At Roger Ascham Primary School we value and nurture individuals, respect each other and help each individual to become the very best that they can be. Staff and pupils are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of all our pupils.

We support our pupils with a pastoral ethos and approach that helps them to appreciate themselves as individuals, understand their relationships with others and to participate in society as competent and caring people.

Our staff are always ready to listen and act upon pupil concerns which means that any difficulties can be addressed quickly and if necessary additional support can be put in place.

We refer to our additional pastoral support as RAPS Early Help.  Our pastoral team work closely with outside agencies and Waltham Forest Early Help to provide our pupils and their families with the tools and support to be able to thrive and reach their full potential.

Every school has a safeguarding policy to ensure that the school has effective measures in place to safeguard children from potential harm and risk and that the safety and well-being of their pupils are of the highest priority.



“Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility.  Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play”. (Working Together to Safeguard Children, September 2018)

The school pays full regard and attention to the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 guidance issued by the DFE in September 2023. All staff receive current safeguarding training annually, as well as regular updates, briefings and training from outside agencies and the Safeguarding Team.  All new members of staff and visitors are subject to safeguarding checks and receive a safeguarding induction with one of the Safeguarding Leads before they work alongside children. 

If you have a concern or would like help or support for your child or your family, please contact Mr Hanks - Head Teacher, Ms. Natai – Assistant Head Teacher & Safeguarding Lead or Mrs Bain - Learning Mentor & Deputy Safeguarding Lead. Alternatively, any member of staff can make time to listen to your concerns and make a referral to the Pastoral and/or the Safeguarding Team. 

Safeguarding for Staff

PSHE and RSE Curriculum

Our thorough PSHE and RSE scheme of work guides children to make positive choices so that they can stay safe, be the best that they can be and act in the best interest of us all. 

E-Safety Curriculum

On March 27th, we are once again welcoming 'The 2 Johns' back to Roger Ascham for e-safety discussions across the school. John Woodley and John Staines will discuss 'stranger danger' and how this looks to children online. They have completed interviews for BBC Breakfast TV, BBC Radio 4, Channel 4 TV, as well as many other local radio stations and schools. Children will have assemblies throughout the day, as well as training for staff. At 5pm, we invite all parents to join us with any questions, concerns or general curiosity regarding online safety in this ever changing world. 

RAPS Early Help

We provide different levels of support for children and families within school, this is called Early Help. 

Extended Services

Breakfast Club (7:45-8:40am) and After School Club (3:10-6pm)
Pre-school Toy Library


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Emotional) curriculum 
Barnardo's LifeSkills Programme

Art Therapy

Drawing and Talking

Safeguarding (cycle training, road safety, fire safety, swimming lessons, anti-gang workshops, anti-bullying, e-safety, drugs/alcohol awareness, NSPCC workshops)

EAL support for children and families

Transition support

Interventions (Inference, Daily Supported Reading, Better Reading Partners, Attention Autism, Additional Teachers)

Teachers responsible for e-safety and computing: Mr Sadiq and Miss Young
SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator): Ms Alexander
Teacher responsible for Well Being & PE: Ms Ashraff

Pastoral Support

Designated Safeguarding Leads: DSL Ms Natai and Deputy DSL Mrs Bain 
SENDCo: Ms Alexander
Learning Mentor: Mrs Bain
Learning Mentor support for children: individual, small group, in class
Learning Mentor support for parents: completing forms, signposting, family support
Art Therapist: Mr Allen supports individual pupils and small groups (Wednesdays & Thursdays)
Speech and Language Therapist: Alison Wood (Thursdays)
Restorative Practice Practitioners: Ms Alexander and Mrs Bain
Social skills and social communication
Lego Therapy
Talking and Drawing Therapy
Educational Psychologist
Attendance: Mrs Bain
Financial subsidies, free school meals, Pupil Premium support
Young Carers support and referrals
Operation Encompass – support for children who have witnessed domestic violence

Medical Support

Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Middays & Office staff are trained in Basic First Aid
Paediatric First Aid Trained Staff: Mrs Ali (Nursery), Mrs Bain, Mrs Keskin, Mrs Johnson (office), Miss Scott (PE and after school clubs), Ms Ashraff (PE) and Mr Towell
Diabetes Trained Staff: Mrs Bain
Health Care Plans
Administering prescribed medication
School Nurse drop in clinics: Ms G Lemar
Occupational Therapists

Waltham Forest Early Help: Support for families

Waltham Forest Early Help works in partnership with other professionals, parents and carers to intervene early on when families need more support. The aim is to address problems at the earliest opportunity - before they can escalate - and to enable families to support their children to reach their full potential.

Early intervention is confidential and may occur at any point. The Early Help approach is underpinned by an Early Help assessment and a team around the family meeting. Early Help supports families with children and young people aged 0 to 19 and up to 25 with a disability.  If you would like to know more or you would like to be considered for WF Early Help, please make an appointment at the office with Ms Natai or Mrs Bain.

Our school safeguarding curriculum map is attached below.

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass has been implemented to help schools provide the appropriate support to children who have been present during an incident of domestic abuse/violence.  Roger Ascham Primary School is an Operation Encompass school.

Safer Schools Newsletter

The information is relevant to those parents/guardians with children in both Primary and Secondary schools therefore trust your personal judgement on what you feel will be relevant information to share with your child.


Below are links to websites that can provide advice and support. 

If you are worried about any child or need any advice

Linked to NSPCC but child friendly

If you are worried about any online abuse

Safer Internet Day
Roger Ascham takes part in Safer Internet Day. Click here for advice for parents and carers on how to keep your children safe on the Internet

Anna Freud Centre
Provides support for families to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health and well-being

Young Minds
Provides support for families to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health and well-being

Safety at Home